Looking for Representation?
If you want to expand your sales coverage in the states of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana, we look forward to hearing from you. Our charter is to increase sales of reputable, established manufacturers of components and systems for electronic, industrial, and consumer products by developing a long term, business relationship that is profitable for both the manufacturer and PEI. We drive sales by working with OEMs, CMs, distribution and engineering design firms.
Since 1995 we have been a stable manufacturers’ rep organization. We believe that communication with our principals is the key to our joint success. If we engage together, you will hear from us!
If you would like to learn more, please contact :
Linda Torjesen
Office (972) 355-9905
Cell phone (972) 989 8458
Email lindatorjesen@peielectronicsales.com
We look forward to hearing from you!